Pima Cotton

Our pieces have been created using the finest collection of delicate, soft and breathable Pima Cotton Fabric. Our Pima Cotton fabric is the most luxurious strands of cotton available in the world, derived from the ‘Gossypium Barbadense’ plant. This high end quality, luxurious feeling cotton is made possible due to the extra-long staple fibres that allow for a more refined, silkier cloth to be produced as an end result.

Luxury like this cannot be found just anywhere, to grow exceptional cotton to such a standard as our Pima Cotton only the perfect growing conditions will suffice. Peruvian pima cotton is lusciously grown along the northern coastal valleys of Peru, where the rich soil soaks up the ideal amount of moisture at almost perfect equatorial temperatures, resulting in a cotton that is silky, luscious incredibly soft at hand and far exceeds the quality of regular cotton.

Pima Cotton quality is further enhanced by its hand harvest, a method not used for regular commercial cotton. This method allows for the ethical sourcing of the cotton whilst promoting the conditions of its natural environment. Industrial harvesting reduces cotton quality through its tearing process which strips the cotton fibres resulting in a yellowed hue and scratchy texture, damaging the final garments smoothness. Pima cotton is ideal for those with sensitive skin as it grows free from any pesticides or synthetic fertilisers, the collection process also allows for keeping of the naturally occurring white colouring, this also creates an ideal environment for colouring as the dyes are able to be absorbed with great accuracy resulting in perfect colour transference.