Australiana Home

Australiana Home

Each individual, stunningly made rugs bears the mark of their creator, each piece infused with the heart, culture, passion and exquisite craftmanship of its maker. The uniqueness of each beautiful piece is enhanced by the skill of generation taught weaving, that the Aymara women are taught well before their 10th birthday, ensuring every piece is created to the highest quality. Our vintage Frazadas are extremely robust, weighing approximately 3kgs each, ensuring you will have your amazing piece for years and years to come. The vintage nature of this product may mean slight imperfections occur, however this only further enhances the natural character and personality of each piece and does not interfere with its quality in the slightest like you, each piece is unique with its own story to tell.

Each piece boasts vibrant colours and a charming story that we are incredibly honoured to be a part of, alongside supporting the incredible artisans of this region. Your home will come alive when you add this charmingly, elegant, versatile piece of art that can be used as rugs, blankets, throws or as a piece of unique art hung on your wall. The ideas are endless and your piece will be a talking point for all of those lucky enough to witness it.

Below you will find a selection of Rugs sizes for you to choose from to ensure our stunning pieces will compliment your home perfectly. 

32 products

32 products